Hsinchu Rice Noodle Association



透過清楚簡練的新竹米粉公會標章新視覺形象,讓公會成員擁有明確定義的 “新竹製造” 標誌,齊心協力行銷新竹米粉炊粉。
風城/人 : 新竹風城特有的九降”風”,’吹”生了在地的米粉產業,使米粉業者得以世代延續經營,並且團結同業共同發展米粉產業。
新竹/情 : 以新竹的”竹”作為標誌設計主軸,讓全世界都能辨識這個竹字,進而連結大眾對於新竹製造的風土之情。
米粉/味 : 透過彎曲的線條形塑米粉的口感香”味”,象徵不同的米含量比例造就了不同的Q彈口感跟各自精采的美味。

The purpose of the logo design for Hsinchu Rice Noodles Association is to make a clear definition and identification of “Made in Hsinchu” for Hsinchu rice noodles.
The logo design consist of three meanings, “People in Windy city”, “Affection for Hsinchu”, and “Flavors of Rice Noodles”.
Hsinchu is called the “windy city” because of its strong winds of September, and it develops the rice noodles industry with air dry processing in the past. Many families make a living by rice noodles production in Hsinchu.
We use the Chinese character “竹” to be the key concept of the logo image, and the curve lines and shape to display the elastic mouthfeel for each kind of rice noodles with different percentage of rice.

CL|新竹米粉公會 HCRN
CO|台灣設計研究院 TDRI
D|李慧婷 Bethany Lee
A|杜中琦 Chung-Chi Du
DD|林峯白 fongbai Lin
L|新竹,台灣 Hsinchu, Taiwan